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How to tell if a dog has a cold?2020-06-29

Dogs' cold symptoms are not difficult to discern, but they can sometimes be confused. There are two types of colds in dogs. One type usually occurs in early spring, late autumn, and sudden changes in climate. Most of the causes are due to sudden cold stimulation, such as monsoon in winter or indoor wind when sleeping in the room, sleeping in the cold season, being rained, and not drying the hair in time after bathing the dog. The main symptoms of a cold are now manifested in: the dog is depressed, the appetite is reduced or abolished, the conjunctiva is flushed, and the eyes are ashamed and weeping. There is a coughing phenomenon, the snot is pus-like, breathing is accelerated, body temperature rises, chills and tremors, if not treated in time, it may be complicated by bronchitis, bronchitis and other diseases. There is also influenza, which is caused by a virus and presents an epidemic disease. Mainly manifested as high fever, in addition to cold symptoms, often accompanied by conjunctivitis and intestinal inflammation. The early symptoms of many infectious diseases in dogs are very similar to the symptoms of colds, such as the early symptoms of warm dogs, the early symptoms of parvovirus, and so on. The manifestations of these diseases are mainly symptoms of elevated body temperature, sneezing, frequent tears, and runny nose, which are very similar to cold symptoms. Some owners are easy to confuse the misconception that the dog has a cold, resulting in misdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of treatment measures, resulting in serious consequences of dog death. False colds are generally more common in the early stages of infectious diseases, but in fact there are other special symptoms. When the dog is infected with the canine fever virus, the body temperature is usually bidirectional fever, and the body temperature is high and low, and most sick dogs have the symptoms of raw eye feces. In the early stage of parvovirus, it was mainly accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and other main symptoms, and usually first vomiting and then diarrhea. As long as the owner can observe carefully, it can still be distinguished and judged. In any case, when the dog has a cold symptom, it must take timely measures, and the inexperienced owner should send the dog to the doctor in time to avoid serious consequences!

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